Aeron (ARN)
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The solution that Aeron proposes, relies on blockchain technology to track aircraft maintenance and pilot logs. Aeron is constructing a database and an online system that is decentralized and hosts global data on aircraft, flight schools and pilots. This electronic logging system would enable pilots to have logs that can be verified online, making aviation safer for everyone involved.

Aeron’s solution relies on blockchain technology to track aircraft maintenance and pilot logs. Aeron is constructing a database and a decentralized online system that hosts global data on aircraft, flight schools, and pilots. This electronic logging system would encourage pilots to have logs that reflect accurate flight hours, with a view towards enhancing aviation safety.
The Aeron (ARN) utility token will be incorporated in Aeron products. It helps to enhance product usage, allow contribution to the ecosystem, product access, and ownership.
Aviation is one of the key means of transport that not only connects countries but also nourishes international businesses that are directly or indirectly connected. Maintaining aviation safety is therefore critical in for national economies. A lot of manual and computational power is invested in order to accurately establish the criteria of aviation safety. However, what if this entire system gets an overlay of the blockchain? Will it be more secure? The future might be redefined by Aeron.

Aeron: The basics

  1. According to its whitepaper, Aeron aims to be the new standard of aviation safety powered by the blockchain. Maintained by a group of aviation professionals, Aeron wants to reduce air transport-related accidents, which it says currently numbers around 3302 per year.
  2. One of the major causes of such accidents is the lack of real experience among pilots, since unsecured flight log data from them is susceptible to fraud and forgery. Also, due to "pay to fly" experiences, corrupt flight schools, negligence of aircraft operators, the primary data driving any decision is affected.
  3. In short, whatever the background, aviation data and related records are compromised. This in turn causes an increase in yearly flight-related accidents. In a bid to improve the situation, Aeron has taken help from blockchain technology to enforce data security and provide a new layer of support to maintenance and safety.
  4. The company has appointed Mr. Artem Orange as their chief executive officer who has 15 years of experience in telecoms and finance. Previously, he was the ex-CEO of two national cellular operators and a serial entrepreneur in hi-tech industries.
  5. As the Chief Technology Officer, the company has Nadezda Barkanova who is also a pilot and an aircraft operation and air traffic management engineer with over 11 years of experience.
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